A Strength Based Approach
When our wings are clipped, it is not that we lack the ability to fly, it is just that we will have to heal and regrow our feathers. Experiencing narcissistic abuse from a family member, a friend, or a romantic partner may be one of the most disturbing experiences we go through. However, nobody can take away our innate ability to survive, to heal, to strive and to take back what we all deserve, a healthy, confident and authentic self.
Healing from narcissistic trauma requires us to leave behind the trap of confusion into the reality of an authentic and an able self. This journey not only takes knowledge and understanding, but also a commitment to working through any possible internal parts that may keep us stuck.
Being in an abusive close relationship is not our fault. Our courage to confront our fears, our motivation to change, and our determination to walk away from future abuse are our greatest strength on our healing paths. If you are interested in having me being part of your journey, please email me at info@intorelationshipco.com